Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The 4 steps of teams

There are four steps that every team goes through. They are forming, storming, norming and performing. Every team from a t-ball team to seal team 6 go through these four teams. If you are a team leader it is crucial to know what stage your team is in.


This is the first stage. Everybody is happy and wanting to learn everything there is to know. They have just formed as a team.


This is the second stage. Everyone's morale are running low. Things are becoming just hard unorganized work.


This is the third stage. Everyone's morale is starting to rise. The team is starting to get into a pattern. Jobs are becoming easier, and everyone is getting along better.


This is the final stage. Everyone is excited to be there. Everyone is in a pattern. Everyone knows what to do and how to do it.

These are the four stages. As a leader you want to always be assessing where your team is. Just because your team is in the performing stage one day, doesn't mean they will be there the next day. Same goes for all the stages.

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