Great Site
Now to downloads the songs for free there is a trick. First you have to find the song you want. Then add it to your beatlist.
After you have all of the songs your going to want, click the "license" icon in your beatlist. Once you've gotten to the licensing page click on "try before you license." Now fill out the form. You only have to give a real email. The rest of the information is irrelevant.
Other Way
The other way to get free music is to click on "Show only songs for free non commercial use" It's above the songs titles to the right. Then when you have all the songs you want click license. Once your to the licensing page click on "non commercial projects" Do what it asks, and there are your songs.
I hope this site helps you as much as it's helped me. If you have a better site to get music from please share.
For royalty free music that is also pretty much free to license , head to A new royalty free music library where you can license tracks for as little as $1. The collection covers a wide range of genres, and although is small, this is a blessing in comparison to other sites where you need to browse for hours until you find what you are looking for. They also offer a very affordable bespoke music solution, and can edit tracks in any way you want. A place worth a visit